How to Make Your Travels Meaningful, Authentic, Unique - Travel in the Raw Travel in the Raw

How to Make Your Travels Meaningful, Authentic, Unique

All-English menus and souvenirs in windows. Bright colored leaflets and sightseers on buses. Tour guided packages you can't really wing. These are a few of my least favorite things when traveling. If you notice your travels are starting to feel like a visit to Disneyland, here's a tip that'll help you immerse and experience other cultures more naturally.

When out on travels, I've found that asking to join locals playing sports can be a very rewarding experience for getting to know another culture. The first time I realized the power of joining in with locals playing sports was while staying with a local family on the Fijian island of Qamea. While dropping off some lunch for the Homestay family's kids at the local school, I was asked if I wanted to join a game of...

Having lived most of my life in Southern California, I grew up very spoiled when it came to weather. Being located next to the Pacific Ocean, at an ideal latitude, my hometown has the climate few places in the world enjoy; that of....

The world is developing quickly. Which is both good and bad. One unfortunate side-effect is that some of the most beautiful and natural cultures of the world are slowly vanishing. But if you know where to look, it's not too late to catch a glimpse. Learn how to find and experience authentic indigenous ceremonies when traveling.

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