How to Travel the World - Travel in the Raw Travel in the Raw

How to Travel the World

In order to find how much in total you need to save up, you'll need to determine how long you want to travel for and what you'll need as a daily budget. In general it is good to plan between $50 and $70 a day which would include food, accommodation, and transportation/flights. If you are a really seasoned traveler and plan to navigate cheaper countries you can budget....

One bewildering experience I had on my travels was when I first arrived by motorbike in Nha Trang, a small resort town along the coast of Vietnam. This one was unlike other small beach towns in Southeast Asia. It seemed to have all the makings of a typical touristy spot, but while walking through the...

If you don't know your purpose, you'll only travel in first gear. Traveling is one of the best environments to grow, learn and experience. It's an incubator. It's a fresh start. It's a blank canvas of opportunity. Charging into battle unarmed is a bad idea. So is beginning your travels empty handed, without a purpose. Here's how to find your own reason for traveling.

One of the hardest decisions to make is deciding whether to travel for 2 weeks, a few months, or to go on an endless journey, waking up each morning open and flexible to every opportunity and go wherever the wind and your heart take you. As tempting as the last option is, you'd be...

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