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The power of a timelapse is in being able to catch movement and display it in a way that we normally wouldn't be able to with our eyes. That could be the quick pace of people and cars passing through city streets in just a couple minutes or the slow wilting of flowers over the course of....

When out on travels, I've found that asking to join locals playing sports can be a very rewarding experience for getting to know another culture. The first time I realized the power of joining in with locals playing sports was while staying with a local family on the Fijian island of Qamea. While dropping off some lunch for the Homestay family's kids at the local school, I was asked if I wanted to join a game of...

With over 23 bicycle trails throughout the country, New Zealand is one of the best places in the world to go on a bicycle tour. Moreover, as an island nation covered with towering peaks, the amount of dramatic scenery and stark contrast in climates make for....

Having lived most of my life in Southern California, I grew up very spoiled when it came to weather. Being located next to the Pacific Ocean, at an ideal latitude, my hometown has the climate few places in the world enjoy; that of....

One bewildering experience I had on my travels was when I first arrived by motorbike in Nha Trang, a small resort town along the coast of Vietnam. This one was unlike other small beach towns in Southeast Asia. It seemed to have all the makings of a typical touristy spot, but while walking through the...

One of the most frequent questions I get from people wondering about my travels is: "What was the best place you've ever traveled?" Now, if I'm very honest, I really hate answering this question. I feel responding with one location would almost be a betrayal to the endless

There are so many different ways to get around and experience a foreign country while you're traveling. You can walk, ride a bicycle, drive a car or fly from point to point. Each has its own pros and cons. Walking is perhaps the best way to connect with the people and fully take in the landscapes, but takes a really

All-English menus and souvenirs in windows. Bright colored leaflets and sightseers on buses. Tour guided packages you can't really wing. These are a few of my least favorite things when traveling. If you notice your travels are starting to feel like a visit to Disneyland, here's a tip that'll help you immerse and experience other cultures more naturally.

One of the best techniques I find to capture unique travel photography is playing with different perspectives. By moving around and taking pictures of the same subject from different distances and angles, you increase the odds of taking a photograph that stands out and really grabs the...

Beachfront house, crab for dinner, fishing and relaxing all day. Am I describing the lifestyle of a retired Fortune 500 CEO? Nope. That's the life of a normal Fijian family I got to homestay with living in the "Third World." What I saw and witnessed those few days changed the way I look at our modern world forever.

If you don't know your purpose, you'll only travel in first gear. Traveling is one of the best environments to grow, learn and experience. It's an incubator. It's a fresh start. It's a blank canvas of opportunity. Charging into battle unarmed is a bad idea. So is beginning your travels empty handed, without a purpose. Here's how to find your own reason for traveling.

One of the hardest decisions to make is deciding whether to travel for 2 weeks, a few months, or to go on an endless journey, waking up each morning open and flexible to every opportunity and go wherever the wind and your heart take you. As tempting as the last option is, you'd be...

When choosing a camera, you have to ask yourself which factors are most important to you; price, image quality, features and weight being the main ones you'll want to...

In order to find how much in total you need to save up, you'll need to determine how long you want to travel for and what you'll need as a daily budget. In general it is good to plan between $50 and $70 a day which would include food, accommodation, and transportation/flights. If you are a really seasoned traveler and plan to navigate cheaper countries you can budget....

The world is developing quickly. Which is both good and bad. One unfortunate side-effect is that some of the most beautiful and natural cultures of the world are slowly vanishing. But if you know where to look, it's not too late to catch a glimpse. Learn how to find and experience authentic indigenous ceremonies when traveling.

There's no better basic skill to learn in travel photography than understanding the rule of thirds. I can't think of anything else that made a more drastic improvement on my overall photography. Without an understanding of this basic rule, you could spend thousands on the best equipment but still end up...

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