How to Find Your Reason for Traveling - Travel in the Raw Travel in the Raw

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How to Find Your Reason for Traveling

Discovering your purpose or what you want to focus on while traveling.
Jin Mitchem
Posted on Nov. 16, 2016 by Jin

What's your purpose for traveling? Digging deeper for answers beyond, "Because I like traveling," will give you a better chance of having a successful and meaningful travel. I know what you're thinking, "I thought this was a travel blog, I'm not trying to build a Fortune 500 Company." As abstract as being purpose-driven sounds, it does play a bigger role in a successful travel than most people realize.

Having a clear purpose for your travels is smart because when you don't, there are consequences. You end up wasting time. When you don't have a purpose, all your lazy tendencies start to creep in. All that matters is getting A/C, wifi and good coffee. Not that you can't pursue those things while you travel, but it's a bit sad if that's all you're putting your attention towards. There'll be plenty of wifi time when you get back home.

By not having a purpose, you end up investing your time and energy into things you dont care about or won't get much from. For most travelers, time is precious. You want to make the most of each day. Finding a solid purpose will make that possible.

Below are some suggestions. Determine which reason is your own or pick one up that you never thought of before.

Meditation, self-help or spiritual retreats can be found in most pockets of the world.

Reason #1: To Understand Yourself Better

Traveling offers a great environment for reflection, introspection and broadening perspectives. Apart from all the free time to think and look inwardly, traveling can be very helpful to simply have a change of scenery. We often let the people around us, the possessions we own, or our careers back at home define who we are. When you travel, you leave a lot of that behind. Meeting new people with no preconceptions of you and being removed from all the things that represented our identity back home can be helpful in grasping what really makes up our true essence.

Some strategies to help you find success in this area could be to keep a journal of your thoughts, feelings and experiences. Having a journal can be a great way to check your progress and remember valuable insights you've uncovered.

Joining a meditation seminar or participating in a spiritual retreat may help you to tune out all the noise around you and become aware of what's really going on within. It's hard to keep focus and learn new techniques all on your own. Being in a group setting can be a very supportive environment.

If you have something more serious to deal with, consider talking to a therapist before you set out. Therapists are not just for people with major issues. We've all been hurt or experienced disappointment or loss at some point in our lives. If you haven't managed to come to peace with certain things that happened in your past, talking it all out might be the key to letting go or healing.

You don't need a reason to have fun, but fun can be your reason for traveling.

Reason #2: To Have Fun

There is no better reason. Fun is happiness. And happiness is the supreme good and ultimate purpose of human existence according to Aristotle. So basically, you have Aristotle backing you up here, and that is some major philosophical street cred. And if you can ignore all the argumentative fallacies just now in that shoddy attempt at sound reasoning, then you're good to go. Now go out there and have fun!

What's it like to ride a camel? Well, you won't know until you try.

Reason #3: To Gain New Experiences

No one ever earned the title "Most Interesting Man/Woman in the World" without having a lot of different experiences under their belt. You can read or watch TV shows about the world and you might get some kind of picture in your head. But would you ever know, for instance, what it's like to work on a rice field? You could read articles or even sit in front of a rice field watching people working on one all day. But until you put on boots and try making your way through the gooey mud, you really have no clue what it's truly like. The thrill of climbing a 50 meter vertical wall and then looking down, or staring straight into the eyes of a shark are feelings that can't be put into words. I can instantly relive certain moments anytime I think of them because of how intense those emotions were at the time. If you want to gain new experiences, one great way is by approaching locals and asking them about whatever it is they're doing. If you're really brave, you can even ask if you can try whatever they're doing out yourself. Before you know it, you'll be weaving baskets, opening coconuts, and driving tractors.

Every local has a different story to tell.

Reason #4: To Connect with People

For some, interacting and connecting with others comes second nature. But it's certainly not that way for everyone. If you find your reason for travel is to connect with people, then in order to be successful in doing so, it's going to take some initiative on your part to start conversations or put yourself in situations where you'll have those opportunities, whether that's with other travelers or locals in the area. You can gain so much insight with a single conversation. A local Cambodian warming up noodles is just a means to get lunch served to you until you find out how they're living off less than $10 a day in a city like Phnom Penh, have 3 kids they're supporting in the countryside and discover they're living with 15 other people in a one room apartment. Suddenly there's a human connection.

Reason #5: To Contribute

Traveling is a great way to give back to the world and make a difference in the places that need it the most. Part of giving is having something valuable to give. Think about what skills, talents or knowledge you have to offer. Do you know how to build websites? Are you skilled at organizing events? Are you great with kids? Do you have medical knowledge and can assist for some time in a foreign clinic? If your reason for traveling is to contribute, there are a lot of ways to develop your skills and make an even greater impact. Finding a cause that you care about is also a good idea if you want to keep yourself motivated.

Go Forth and Let Your Reason Be Your Catalyst

There is no wrong reason if it's the right one for you. If you can find any reason that feels right and you're able to hold on to it, congratulations. You're now equipped with a compass to guide your future choices while out and about. If you determined your purpose is to have fun, when a group of travelers ask if you want to go out dancing but you feel a little tired, you'll know right away what you should do. Reach for that can of Red Bull and dance the night away. You only live once! Just keep in mind that 'once' might be a tad shorter after all that sugar and taurine.

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