How to Eat Healthy When You Travel - Travel in the Raw Travel in the Raw

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How to Eat Healthy When You Travel

5 tips to eat healthy on the go when you don't have access to a kitchen.
Jin Mitchem
Posted on July 3, 2017 by Jin Mitchem

When you're at home; you've got a regular schedule. You know where to buy all your healthy (but still palatable) food. You have a kitchen to store and prepare your meals.

When you're traveling, things are constantly changing. Even if you wanted to eat healthy, you're options are usually pretty limited.

Here are a few simple tips that can be applied almost anywhere:

1. Cut Back on Sugary Drinks

Ok. I get it. You're on a once in a lifetime adventure. How can you not indulge? I don't think anyone should eliminate sweet and exotic teas and cocktails completely. But one thing to remember about sugar is that it makes you come back for more. And when you start to have a sugary beverage every meal, not only will your body start to think that's normal, but it'll want even more. When you intake too much sugar, you'll feel a lot more sluggish throughout the day. While you'll get a huge spike of glucose and momentary energy, not too long after you're left in a zombie-like state. Not the kind of zombie from 28 Days Later that run around. More like a sloth-meets-turtle type of existence. That's not how you want to feel when you arrive at the Machu Picchu for the first time.

Street Food Vendor in Taipei, Taiwan Sugary drinks are great... until they're not. Usually an hour later is when your energy levels take a nose-dive.

2. Choose Complex Carbs When Possible

Instead of white rice, choose brown. Instead of white bread, go for the wholegrain. Eat oats over sugary cereals. Eating more complex carbs will give you longer lasting energy throughout the day. It'll also provide you with more fiber and nutrients.

3. Wander Local Produce Markets

Here you can find local, fresh and tasty food options. Your body will get a much needed break from all the processed food you've been filling it with. By snacking throughout the day you'll also be less inclined to go all out on greasy/sugary foods when the next meal comes around. Exploring local markets is also a great way to learn about new fruits and veggies, while getting much needed vitamins.

Local Market with fruits and vegetables in Varanasi, India Local market with fruits and vegetables in Varanasi, India.

4. Load-up on Veggies

This tip may not help if you're staring at a restaurant menu in Latin America with only two options: beef and rice, or chicken and rice. But usually even the unhealthiest of restaurants in the world will still have a starter or side dish with mixed vegetables available. When every meal you intake seems to be of the deep fried/fatty variety, this is one way to give your heart a break and your body some vitamins.

5. Drink Water.

In an effort to be healthy, a lot of people think of everything but the most basic and essential. When you travel, you're going to face the two enemies of good hydration: sun and alcohol. Your body is going to need that water more than it ever did sitting at home. If you're drinking enough water, you'll probably have the feeling that you're always refilling your water bottle.

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